At some point in the past few years, I started getting large amounts of spam email in my outlook account. Gmail on the other hand, does a perfect job in filtering out spams and junks. There is however one simple way to fix the failed spam filtering by Microsoft: using the “Rules” function.

Rationale: spams usually includes a illegitimate sender email address without the proper “@” symbol. Therefore, by creating a rule to automatically junk all emails without proper sender address we can effectively filter out 90% of the spams while avoiding false positives.

This can be achieved by creating a rule to move all emails to junk except those with sender email address that includes “@” symbol.

Create a rule in the Outlook website as follows:

Save and make sure the rule is on the top to be processed first.
I have yet to encounter an issue with false positives. From my own experience it is able to filter out 95%+ of all junks.
Please let me know if you have other tricks or suggestions…until Microsoft fix their spam filters.

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